How and possible to install the new filters?

Buildings have different design and location, we have to look at various type of filters which can be physically attached.

Type of filters can be affixed, the physical Length, Width and thickness available and is fan strong enough to overcome the filters' pressure drop.

It can be temporary affixed using poles, wires, Aluminium tapes, vinyl tapes on the louver, openings. Below are some of our filters can be implemented easily and have very positive feedback from last customers.

This part will really leave to the innvoation and experience of technicians and engineers executing the temporary filters installations.

Some Filters Suggestions.

1. ZKG 3 and 12mmt - Carbon Rolls with increased prefiltration and carbon impregnated. 

Roll media, can be used easily to cover air intakes or lourvers or AHUs using wires in replacement to washable pre filters used.

2. ES Media Roll 3mmt - Electrostatic Media with increase filtration 

Roll media, used easily to cover air intakes or lourvers or AHUs, FCUs, Split units (coils to be cleaned first). in replacement to washable pre filters used.

3. Carbon pleated in replacement of Interfold Pleated disposable or washable filters.

3. C-cell Minipleat 90-95% MERV14, 2"depth to 4" depth - Block off >99% of 2 micron size particles

2" to 4" depth which can be used in replacement of prefilters or additional to achive secondary filtration and not affecting AHU systems.

4.  Use double layers Washable roll media filters.

Fast implementation, Increases some percentage of Arrestance or prefiltration. 

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